8 February 2016
Print Distributor 6.1 is now released, this is a small update which includes some enhancements for Windows 10.
The new features are:
Support for the Microsoft PDF printer driver included with Windows 10.
Support for the new Microsoft XPS Document Writer V4 printer driver included with Windows 10.
The Print Distributor Service status is now displayed in the status bar.
New Stop and Start menu items for controlling the Print Distributor service.
The attachment name in the Send Mail action is now blank by default which tells the action to use the name from the path.
The Microsoft Visual C Runtime is now included in setup (32 and 64 bit).
Update to the latest version of Inno Setup.
A number of minor bugs have been resolved.
Installer, uninstaller and executable files are now signed with a SHA256 timestamp.
As this release uses a new code signing certificate our download trust is reset so you will see a slightly more scray warning when you download. This should resolve itself in the next few days.